Prisoner of Hope : Part 3 of 4

18 Jun

After all the women were seated the guards signaled to Grace that she could begin. She walked to the front and started to sing in her beautiful voice while Larry played his guitar in the background. She didn’t even introduce herself, she was just led by God to start singing. But as she looked around her, the women sat there stoned faced with no reactions. Some looked at their nails while others snickered and smirked at the crude women who kept making wise cracks. I thought to myself how will Grace ever make an impression on these girls? They are only here to get out of their cells for a bit, nothing more. It’s going to take a pure act of God to touch any of these women.

All of a sudden Grace stopped singing and got right in front of those women and forced them to make eye contact with her. She started talking about her childhood. How she was beaten by her own father, abused by a man who was supposed to love her unconditionally, and how she was saved by Jesus himself.

She started getting their attention now. She shared with them deep personal things that had happened to her by her father and how Jesus was the one who helped her out of the horrible situation that she was in. By the end of her story all eyes were focused on her. She began to sing again and the women started to loosen up. They were all standing up now, some would even sing, clap or even raise their hands. Her lawyer and the author were amazed that Grace was getting through to those girls. Even the guards were starting to get into it. Everyone was relaxed. God was really there!

As she was singing, the anointing of God moved through her and started melting the hearts of these hardened women. She told them if they prison worshipwanted to have a relationship with the Jesus that helped her when she was a child to come down and receive Him in their hearts. If they needed healing to come down and receive that healing from Jesus, the One and Only true Savior. One by one they started coming forward to be healed and saved, one by one they slowly gave their lives to Jesus and one by one the miracles started showing. Even Big Momma who had nothing but smart aleck remarks and crude jokes to say before, melted in God’s presence and gave her life over to Him. The healings were amazing.  One young women was healed from a deaf ear while another from arthritis. Several women were healed from depression and anxiety. Grace prayed specifically for one lady who had a deformed foot and her foot was healed and transformed right in front of their eyes. Whoever had held back from Jesus before had changed their minds after that and gave their lives to God.






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