The Miracle on the Patio: Part 6 of 6

19 Mar

For the next two weeks, Honey was harassed by this unusual sharp pain, on and off, in the most remote places on her body  when she least expected it. She stood her ground and never allowed it any room, resisting it in Jesus name with scripture, giving praise to God. She kept her healing and to this day, 30 years later, she has never even had a “pang” in her back!  Glory to God.

kc2We were all very “young” in the Lord and knew very little about scripture and healing.  But what we did know we believed in our hearts.  We were so grateful to receive God’s Word on Sunday mornings, via TV, where we watched Kenneth and Gloria Copeland teach  the Word of God, that we would write out  the scriptures that were taught,  then meditate on them by saying them over and over to ourselves while they found their way into our hearts.

We didn’t know it then, but later we learned that was a powerful way to get the Word into our hearts, even if they were only a few scriptures.  It’s called meditation in the Word of God. I believe what took place when Honey fell on her back was that we simply believed God was bigger than the situation and we relied on Him, period.

As I spoke God’s Word, using whatever I knew and believed,  God came and filled the rest of me with His power through His Word. Then that same  anointing power flowed into Honey as she was already thanking God on the inside for totally healing and freeing her.

Although I felt this strong, robust, surge of power flow through me emanating bold confidence, I knew it was totally not me but all of HIM!  This had to be supernatural, seeing your mother paralyzed in an instant unable to move or speak and not call an ambulance!  It had to ALL be God, for there was no fear involved, just His Word and His faith, and it felt natural and normal!

I learned that is called the “Gift of Faith,” one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God releases as He wills. We have always considered this miracle on the patio of the healing of Honey’s back an exceptional gift from God and rejoice with Him as we have faithfully shared itfaith2 for over  30 years giving  Jesus all the glory and thanksgiving.

God has always been faithful to his Word and never fails to show up. Jesus and His Word have not changed.  Thirty years ago or yesterday. He is always there, always the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.


God sent His Word and healed us, God also gave Doctors and medicine as a gift to people who need medical help.  There is nothing wrong with going this route, especially if you need to. To choose to  believe the Word of God and also go to a doctor is great, as they can work together.  Only a strong conviction in your heart directs these choices.  They should never be chosen because another person has done so.  The story is shared to build faith based on this truth.  All things are possible with Him who believes…That’s Jesus, Who is the believing One. But you must believe that and He will meet you where You are as He cares and loves you.  Always use common sense as using doctors or medicine doesn’t prove you disbelieve, their use is an aid to help meanwhile until you are well, thanks to God!


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