Amazing Gracie – Part 3 of 11

23 Jan

We followed Sarianne back into the house into her large family room. Taking our seats among the sofas and chairs we enjoyed a nice lunch that had already been set out. During lunch, Grace shared her personal testimony with us and prayed for us individually.  She then delivered a special scripture to each of us, which has remained true for the past thirty years. We were enamored by her humanity and love for people.

Vibrant and warmhearted, Grace was as personal as she was genuine. A down to earth mom of four kids, she was called by God when she was very young to tell His Catholic people about Jesus.

She shared with us how Jesus became her personal friend when she was just  five years old.  Raised in a strict Catholic household, her mom was blind and her father was a raging gambler with serious domestic violence issues. One night while Grace & her siblings faced another one of their fathers’ violent outbursts, Grace decided they would no longer endure these unprovoked beatings.

She remembered what her Yaya (her Greek grandmother who was also a nun) had told her about Jesus.  She had spoken of Jesus walking the earth and going around healing people.  She told us how Yaya’s stories were filled with great fervor and enthusiasm. Yaya knew how to rely on God. Grace was always at her knees, listening with wide opened eyes for more stories about Jesus. Now it was Grace’s time to believe God like Yaya believed.

As she laid in her bed, little Grace cried out to Jesus to help her and protect not only her, but her brother and sister too.

Grace explained how the outline of a figure formed from beneath her bedding as she prayed. Although this would be enough to terrify any person, let alone a five year old, Grace remained as calm & peaceful as she had ever felt. She believed it was Jesus coming to comfort her & release her from any further anguish. From that day forward, Grace never felt the beatings, nor were her brother and sister harmed by their father again. Soon after, her father would leave the family never to return (even though that wouldn’t be the end of him).

Her story was amazing. We sat there and listened practically in tears. Our previous plan to ask less & listen more was not at all a problem as Grace’s story had us glued to the edge of our seats.

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